16 Top Content Marketing Trends To Stay On Top Of In 2022
By Donna Robinson / January 24, 2021
If you’re a marketer, you know that content marketing is not a one-and-done, surefire way to generate immediate conversions. Sharing content that consumers find valuable to draw them into your sales funnel is a long game where unspoken rules and “goal posts” tend to shift from year to year.
In 2022, the world of content will continue to expand and evolve along with brands’ marketing strategies. Depending on your goals, there are emerging and continuing trends in content marketing that can be leveraged to help shape your approach and refine your tactics. Below, members of Forbes Agency Council share 16 content marketing trends they see having the biggest impact this year, along with ways for brands to leverage their power to reach target audiences.
15. Leading With Empathy And Value-Driven Content
Value-driven content will become the norm in 2022. Compared to before the pandemic, customers now expect brands to speak authentically and with empathy. This includes addressing sustainability, social responsibility, inclusivity and diversity. But leading with empathy also extends to more mundane but crucial communications, such as relaying shipping times and product shortages. – Donna Robinson, Collective Measures
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