16 Ideas Agencies Can Use To Tap Into The Power Of The Metaverse
By Donna Robinson / June 8, 2022
The metaverse is being talked about everywhere you look lately, and yet many consumers aren’t quite sure what it is. The truth is, not even its creators know what it will become eventually—many moving parts are constantly evolving, which opens up some exciting opportunities for agencies seeking new avenues to reach target audiences.
When an agency is among the first to embrace a new technology or platform, it can learn a lot about how to best leverage that innovation to meet its clients’ goals; however, compared to its late-adopter competitors, it also has a shorter on-ramp before audiences see what their efforts have produced. Here, 16 members of Forbes Agency Council offer exciting and creative ideas an agency can use to ensure any brand activation crafted expressly for the metaverse provides a memorable customer touch point.
13. Build Trending Elements Into Your Brand Experience
Before entering the metaverse, it is key for advertisers to know their audience and create experiences relevant to that audience. Then, consider what other types of games or experiences your audience is engaging with now. For example, socializing or playing with other gamers live is a popular experience. Building these elements into your branded experience could lead to success. – Donna Robinson, Collective Measures
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