It has officially been one month since Enhanced Campaigns were rolled out to all Google AdWords accounts. We first checked in one week after the roll out with our blog post Living in a Post Enhanced Campaigns World, analyzing the impact of the network-wide roll out on our own accounts. Now, it has been a month since the transition and we are marking this milestone by looking into what other digital advertisers are seeing as they work with their newly Enhanced Campaigns. Here is a brief summary on campaign trends, recent findings, and ways the transition may be affecting some of your own digital media accounts.
In a survey by Econsultancy, What do search marketers think of Enhanced Campaigns?, over 500 search marketers were asked for their opinion on the switch to Enhanced Campaigns. What they found was that 35% of agencies thought Enhanced Campaigns would have a positive impact on their accounts, 21% thought that there would be a negative impact, and 43% didn’t know.
PPC Hero’s post, What One Million Dollars In Spend Has Taught Us About Enhanced Campaigns, discusses how their AdWords campaigns’ performance is not only slipping in some accounts, but “is even cliff diving” in others. In this post they note:
- Mobile spend increases (up 80%)
- Mobile CPA increases (up 40%)
- Tablet impression, click and spend increases
- Tablet CPA increases (up 13%)
Their key takeaway? The lower your bid on mobile, the worse mobile performs. PPC Heros say that you are better off bidding at -100% and not displaying on mobile at all, than bidding at -50% and getting the bottom of the barrel clicks.
Today, Google is still backing its product and providing evidence of success through case studies of increased ROI for M&M’s, increased mobile conversions for American Apparel and increased sales during business hours for Miller’s Bakery.
While we are still uncertain of the full impact of Enhanced Campaigns to the competitive space, we are certain that they won’t be going away anytime soon. For more information on how to best utilize and optimize the features of Enhanced Campaigns, read Google’s whitepaper here.