Finding The Best Venue For Your Content: 11 Effective Strategies
By Donna Robinson / August 24, 2020
Developing great content is a reward in itself. However, if that content doesn’t strike a chord with its core demographic, it isn’t performing its function. Businesses need to know where their content is most likely to reach their target audience and make the most impact.
With the sheer number of channels that a company can tap into, it might be overwhelming to find the right venue to host its content. Should the business look at social media, or is it better off doing a blog to encourage comments? Eleven leaders from Forbes Agency Council discuss below the most effective strategies to help businesses pinpoint the best venue for their content so as to achieve maximum audience engagement.
9. Turn To Search Engine Results
The best way to understand which platforms/venues are right to publish content? Turn to the search engine results pages. What types of domains rank on the first two pages? Are they news sources, vertical aggregator sites, social media outlets? It’s likely that if these domains rank well for important keywords you’d like to rank for, they will be a valuable source to target in your content efforts. – Donna Robinson, Collective Measures
Read the full article on Forbes Agency Council
Image Source: Forbes Agency Council