At the beginning of the summer Nina Hale Inc. partnered with AchieveMpls to provide two high school students the opportunity of a paid-summer internship that would help prepare them for future careers and college through beneficial work experience, mentoring and connections. Over the past nine weeks Todd and Sowda have worked as a valuable part of the Nina Hale Inc. team. Nearing the end of their summer program they were invited out to see 3D printing in action at our client Stratasys’ facilities.Stratasys and their partner company RedEye On Demand provide small and large scale direct digital manufacturing and precision rapid prototyping services to a variety of industries including aerospace, defense, automotive, medical, and education.
Todd and Sowda began their tour at the Stratasys facility in Eden Prairie where they learned more about the fundamentals of 3D printing and achievements that have been made through the technology. The interns were able to see the step-by-step process of 3D printing first hand and discovered the capabilities that can be achieved through samples they were able to take home.
The next stop was Stratasys’ RedEye facility where larger scale manufacturing takes place. Here Todd and Sowda gained greater insight into what kinds of work they do, their operations, and the roles and functions people play. Todd and Sowda ended their tour with a jam out session on a fully functioning Stratasys made guitar. If they weren’t considering engineering before they might be now!