12 Ways To Decide Whether Or Not To Jump On A Marketing Trend
By Donna Robinson / February 16, 2022
From TikTok videos to hashtag contests to influencer giveaways, new marketing trends emerge every year, giving brands a wide variety of options for reaching their target audiences. While leveraging one trend might work well for a particular brand, trying to incorporate the same trend into another brand’s strategy may not have any impact at all—or worse, it might damage a brand in the eyes of consumers if the effort doesn’t feel genuine to its story and ethos.
Jumping on a marketing trend early can lead to campaign success, but it can also flop if the trend isn’t executed properly by the right kind of brand to reach the right kind of audience. How can brands make timely decisions about whether to adopt or ignore a marketing trend? Below, members of Forbes Agency Council share their best tips to help marketers determine which of the latest trends they should integrate into their overall strategy to lead their brands to success.
6. Use Forecasting And Scenario Planning
Forecasting and scenario planning are great ways to help decide if a new trend is worth testing. Regardless of any change you make to a campaign, hot marketing trend or not, you can expect to see an impact. If you predict that a certain trend could impact your metrics, run the numbers across a few different scenarios to determine whether the risk is worth the reward. – Donna Robinson, Collective Measures
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